Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goodbye Mr.Jerry Rape

May you rest in peace.

Mr.Jerry Rape was someone who i worked with, a lab technician. This guy somewhere in his late 50s early 60s. Very nice quite guy, never really understood what he said fully. He had this deep voice, and didn't pronounce words quite clearly, well to an immigrant like me at least. It is my third rotation here with GE Roper, and I have required his assistance a lot of times, along with the other people who work at the evaluation lab.

I must admit over the entire year that i have worked here, i barely got the chance to really know him. Just the normal small talk, but i just want to say Thank You Mr. Jerry Rape for being a good person. It was sad to see you go, come to work and get a surprise like that knowing that i was supposed to work on something with you that morning. Then seeing the true nature of death, on how everything just goes on, you might be elsewhere but what you have shared with me, your good nature, I won't forget.

Thank you,


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