Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sock the Hock

Did laundry today, as well my servicing my car. Yes it has finally sunk in, I have a car. Haha, funny? Yeah I know, thanks.  Anyways, found some of my socks torn so i decided to get new ones, and figured i wont get rid of it so i figured out some ways to reuse it. Hopefully i don't gross people out in the process. I do live with other people. Please note that the title isn't what i plan to do with it.

Here are a few things I could do with my old socks:

1. Sock puppets for kids of course (eww... yeah i know)
2. Bottle Insulator - Make a sock to keep it warm/cool. (still eww right? i don't think i use it but will try it out)
3. Wrist rest
4. Bon fire.... :P
5. The whole thrash it option.

Also an important highlight of the day is when I managed to almost take myself out. Was helping Nic to get his laundry at the laundromat so that he doesn't have to waste his time waiting. One person is enough to do that :), I got his laundry bag and tried to throw it into the car from the drivers seat to the passenger's seat and it's netted area caught hold of my chain(which by the way says Aum in Tamil). Next, well I got my forehead slammed into the car frame. That gave me quite a daze. We are a danger to ourselves sometimes.


I made a phone call when I was sleeping last night, I don't remember fully what I said, was not feeling to well. Hopefully I didn't say anything too naughty. ;)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tiny Smiles

As my pants tore today, my feet start to hurt again,i m falling sick: fever,sore throat and i don't have one of the most important parts of my life with me... Deep down i just hanging on to the tiny smiles, that anyone has kindly given me. I feel like I wanna close my eyes and dream about living on a small house on a red heart shaped planet and when i wake up, wake up in that house.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Johnny Key

Graduated from Georgia Tech with a 4.0, an engineer who turned into a touring musician then back to engineering where i work right now? o.O wow...

He s really good, i think i ll buy his cd...and get it autographed.


Time to the half marathon, 01 day 21 hours  03 mins 10 seconds to go...

Time to the end of the world,

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goodbye Mr.Jerry Rape

May you rest in peace.

Mr.Jerry Rape was someone who i worked with, a lab technician. This guy somewhere in his late 50s early 60s. Very nice quite guy, never really understood what he said fully. He had this deep voice, and didn't pronounce words quite clearly, well to an immigrant like me at least. It is my third rotation here with GE Roper, and I have required his assistance a lot of times, along with the other people who work at the evaluation lab.

I must admit over the entire year that i have worked here, i barely got the chance to really know him. Just the normal small talk, but i just want to say Thank You Mr. Jerry Rape for being a good person. It was sad to see you go, come to work and get a surprise like that knowing that i was supposed to work on something with you that morning. Then seeing the true nature of death, on how everything just goes on, you might be elsewhere but what you have shared with me, your good nature, I won't forget.

Thank you,


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Altered Perceptions

Ran at the battlefield parkway today, it was good really pretty place. It is a preserved park in memory to the people who fought the civil war there. Lot's of monuments, statues and trails. Got some deers,owls and etc.

Suddenly, running the half marathon in 1 1/2 weeks doesn't seem like a good idea. Ran 7 miles today, it feels good but another 6 miles? :( am running like 5 mph, such a bad time...embarrassing wished i trained harder. Ran like two miles only cumulative last week LOL..

Sigh...we'll see how it goes, have to drive like 4 hours to the venue too. :( Gotta get my mind ready somehow. Cause if that gives. Bye bye Marathon

Did You Mean This Shalenee?

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Right Side Up

Yup, I finally decided what to call my first album, "The Right Side Up", maybe in another post i will explain what it means but for now.

Current event's don't concur with the album title, I apparently bought some music from apples itunes store and bought something for an infant somewhere in the US LOL... must have did that while i was sleeping or something cause i don't remember having a kid or an iPod. Maybe someone got pampers for their iPod.

The pollen is messing my throat up, i hope it doesn't become a serious allergy. I have no replies from the grad school yet. So how can it be the right side up? I don't know... and I said I will explain in a different post. I do know something ;)..

Here's the link to where the album can be downloaded, a website with other information too. Note, it is still under construction :)

Will start uploading the songs as soon, as i decide what the final list should be. I wanna get this done as soon as possible :) It's been awhile.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dream Catch Me

We can hurt,
So we can dream, can't we?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Won't Stop

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Summer Concerts

Something to keep track of the possible concerts to go to in Summer

1. Daughtry
2. Corinne Bailey Rae
3. Imogen Heap 
4. Angels and Airways

Still looking for more, open to suggestions and let me know if you wanna tag along.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010


I can't help but feel this way. Maybe you don't understand.

I am not strong enough.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring is here, Summer is Near

The sun brings out the bikinis LOL, probably one of the ups of the summer. Played soccer in the sun this Saturday it was awesome.Really different feeling then playing during winter. Don't get me wrong i like playing in the bearable cold of the Atlanta winter.

Jet is playing at Tech this weekend, for sting break. I like Sting break,  the school council is at least trying to make school a bit more fun. The opening band is King Crashers or something like that. Still contemplating whether i should go or not, cause it is on a Thursday and i have stuff to do.

:) Still not sure, what i m gonna be doing for masters, i hope i ll find out soon or get an opportunity. I guess all i can do now is keep trying and hope for the best :).

The weekend was pretty fun, the show went better than i thought, i think i connected with the audience pretty well this time. I m getting used to crowds, i think. This crowd at least. :) Thank you to everyone who supported me and as for music, i have identified what i need to re record and it is almost done. I have also started building a site for it, so you can download it or get lyrics or what not. Will use the site to post up .up coming events and etc.

I am looking for a place to sub-rent in the summer. Have anyone that wants to sublease?

Anyways, hope all is well with y'all. Take care.


Thursday, April 1, 2010


of Missing